A client brought an Acer desktop into our
computer repairs facility with the complaint that the system was crashing and blue screening at random.
When diagnosing a computer fault, one of the keys is to identify a pattern. Once we can replicate the issue on a regular basis then we can trouble shot the actual cause and through a process of elimination, we can cure the computer fault much quicker.
This particular desktop would as the user had stated, crash at random. Our computer engineers spent some time checking various items including the Norton Internet Security which reported all was well.
On a hunch, we removed Norton, and ran a virus check. The first pass removed 3 infections. On closer inspection, the viruses were hiding in the Norton installation so hiding in plain sight if you will. A rather clever way to camouflage unauthorised activity.
In all we
removed over 200 viruses from this desktop. Once the machine was stable ie all the virus infections were removed, we we able to repair the damage to Windows and the computer is now running perfectly.
No internet security product can or will give you 100% protection
Just because you have internet security installed does not mean that your computer does not have a virus infection.
Other users of your computer might not be so selective about their on-line activities.
BTW We use
Bullgard Internet Security.