Friday 23 November 2012

FBI Asking You For Money?

FBI Asking You For Money? Don't Fall For This Computer Virus That Can Lock Your Computer!

It's called the FBI MoneyPak virus and it has been infecting computers left and right. The ransomware virus infects computers using various methods like email or even just from visiting certain sites. When infected, the computer is locked and rendered useless.

Fear Tactics
One reason the virus has caused such a stir is because it plays on users' fears. The virus claims to be the FBI, stating the user has been caught using their computer for illegal activity like violating copyright laws or distributing illegal material. Sometimes the virus even activates the user's web cam, as if they are being watched.

The virus claims the FBI is fining the user 200 dollars, which must be paid online via MoneyPak; only then, the threat states, will the computer unlock. It gives the users a time frame to pay, usually 72 hours, before criminal action will be taken.

Unlocking the Computer
Individuals with infected computers have found ways to unlock their computers, although this doesn't get rid of the virus. One way is to restart the computer and press F8 to enter Safe Mode. On computers with multiple accounts, it is possible to switch to another account.

Removing the Computer Virus
The best way to remove the virus from your computer is to seek professional help. Even if you're a computer whiz with a dental assistant degree, users attempting to remove the virus on their own often make the situation worse.

Hold On To Your Money
Most importantly, do not pay any money to this virus. The FBI has released a statement about the virus warning people they do not and will not conduct business in this way. Anything that may appear on your computer claiming to be the FBI requesting money is fake.

Sadly, many people have sent money from fear of involvement with the FBI. Once the money is sent, there is no way to get it back or file a claim, and your computer will still be infected with the ransomware.

Avoiding Infection By A Computer Virus
To avoid this and any other virus from infecting your computer, follow these Internet safety guidelines:
Avoid unfamiliar and suspicious looking websites
Do not initiate downloads from websites you do not trust
Always check the format of downloads (audio files are usually mp3, images are usually jpeg, etc.)
Do not open emails from unknown sources
Do not publicly distribute your email address
Use a recognised internet security solution
Make sure that your computer is kept up todate

Any time you have a virus, the best idea is to use a professional computer virus removal service. Often, if you remove a virus on your own, you can miss hidden factors that could harm your computer or even be used to access your personal information.

Author: Michelle is an aspiring writer with a passion for blogging. She enjoys writing about a vast variety of topics and loves that blogging gives her the opportunity to publicly voice her thoughts and share advice with an unlimited audience.

Edited by Keith B Fergie, Director of PC Solutions, Perth Scotland